Thursday, September 18, 2008

there's nothing much to say about this one...its a soccer ball in the grass
oops, sorry. i guess i posted that one twice :)
same old building, just a different view
same old building, just a different view
i had a photography assignment to take pictures of an old building so i went looking for one and found one off the side of the road in pleasant grove. mom pulled over and i stood in the weeds shooting.

apples are really fun to take pictures of, i dont know why, but they are :)
i thought maybe making the picture smaller would allow me to put more on :) this is a picture of an apple in the grass in our backyard, its kinda hard to see, sorry

this is the same picture just not cropped. tell me which one you like better.
the idea for this picture came to me while i was at work :) so at the next f.h.e. i asked daniel if i could borrow his hands, and justin if i could borrow his head :) its a blurry but its the best i could do with the program i have

Thursday, September 11, 2008

another allie and tyler picture :) they're so freaking adorable!
this picture was taken when my nephew tyler was a few months old. allie was in a crazy mood so i got her to pose for me next to her brother. :)
this picture, i guess, is what i'm all about. i love photography. i love taking pictures and i love setting up pictures to take.
i took this picture but my brother Daniel actually fooled around with it on the computer, so this is his creation, but i so love it.

same story with the other beach pic, i dont know who the little girl is but the pose was perfect. just hope you cant tell who she is. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

last but not least, this is actually my favorite of all three just because swings have a romantic feel for me. i dont know why, so dont ask but i'm going to go a little personal here, what the heck...its a blog, who cares...i actually picture my first kiss(yes i know its a shocker that i havent been kissed yet) either in a deserted parking lot while its raining like crazy or on a swing kind of like in the movie the other side of heaven :) okay...well that was kinda embarrassing...
these hands belong to katie, beau and tyler when he was just a wee one. they graciously lent their hands to me to help with my photography assignment.

well i guess i better start off with some of my personal favorites...this picture i took while at the beach in California. i have no idea who those kids are but i took a picture of them. hopefully you cant tell who they are so their parents don't sue me :) i had an assignment in my photography class to put a quote/meaningful saying to a picture. i turned in three and this is one of those three.
okay, well here goes nothing...i am starting this blog so i can put my pics on it so everyone can give me feed back on them. i want to be a pro photographer so i am practicing on some pictures. some i took myself and others you will recognize because you took them, (if this bothers you, just tell me) if you have any photos that you would like to send me to help me practice, i would sure appreciate it ;) other than that, i hope you enjoy the photos.